The Time of Your Life
Viewing Time: 6 minutes
- Watch the instructional video
- Outline a true story from your past according to the instruction below
- Record your story in GoReact
- Analyze your recording according to the instruction below
After watching the instructional video above, outline a true story from your past. Your story must include at least 3 characters and 2 settings.
As you create your outline, think about the features we've discussed so far.
- What is the way to open and close stories in ASL?
- How can you incorporate timeline techniques?
- What is the best way to show the action and character interactions?
- Include your reaction to the situation at that time, then add what you think about that situation from your perspective today.
- Consider any vocabulary you need to check on prior to recording your story.
After completing the outline for your story assignment and practicing your story in ASL, record it to GoReact.
Review your recording and analyze your work in the comments section, list at least 12 comments for your video. Look for things like: