Week 5 ASL Instructions
Viewing Time: 7 minutes
After watching the instructional video above, complete video analysis and outline for "Not a Sprint, it's a Triathlon!"
Create a timeline of events that take place in this story (4 minutes)
- Draw a map of the Triathlon course.
- Make a list of the information/facts you learn about triathlons and what leads up to the speaker entering a triathlon.
- Think about how the information is presented visually. How does the speaker vary how she presents information?
- If any vocabulary or concept unfamiliar, post your question on the FB page with time marker.
Instruction for your assignments
- Video Retell: You're the one doing the Triathlon! Watch the video and shadow-sign along with the presenter. Practice until you know the story! Video yourself retelling the Triathlon story as if it is your own story. Upload to GoReact.
- Review and Analyze your work for these points:
- Information organization
- Presenting facts
- Showing action
- Complete Conceptual Accuracy assignment on GoReact
- This week, we add the concept of lexical substitution in ASL by exploring Conceptual Accuracy. Each week you will have a GoReact assignment with a list of sentences to be completed in ASL. Each week will spotlight a featured concept/word and your goal will be to sign that concept/word differently in each sentence according to the sentence's meaning.