Interpreting & Self-Analysis
Viewing Time: 14 minutes
Watch this week's teaching video on Interpreting and Self-Analysis. Babetta shares how to objectively review your own work and create a personal plan for improved performance using the 5-step self-analysis technique we discussed during immersion week.
In GoReact, review the instructions and prepare to consecutively interpret a video
ENG to ASL (Medicaid)
ENG to ASL (Medicaid)
Medicaid Interpreting (ENG to ASL)
Assignment #1
For this week’s interpreting practice, watch the stimulus video all the way through at least once. Move through your processing steps considering word choice, visualization, message analysis (Theme, Main Points, Details, Register, Function and Affect), then plan your interpretation.
Once you have your plan in place, start the video again and record your interpretation in GoReact.
**Remember, we are working consecutively and you should use the space bar to pause the stimulus material throughout your interpretation.
Once your interpretation is complete, review your work and Complete the 5 step analysis for this video and add comments in GoReact.
This week, instructors will provide feedback on your interpreting work using the Rubrics shared below. You can preview these rubrics to help prepare your work.
Once you have your plan in place, start the video again and record your interpretation in GoReact.
**Remember, we are working consecutively and you should use the space bar to pause the stimulus material throughout your interpretation.
Once your interpretation is complete, review your work and Complete the 5 step analysis for this video and add comments in GoReact.
This week, instructors will provide feedback on your interpreting work using the Rubrics shared below. You can preview these rubrics to help prepare your work.